Sunday 16 November 2014

Christmas, where are you?

Christmas, where are you?
Me I LOVE Christmas the lights the trees anything and everything to do with it. I’m from the United States where it’s all the way or nothing on Christmas. Moving away from my family 11 years ago and moving to a place that its summer during Christmas took some getting used to. My traditions and those of my family seem to clash om Christmas  I  put my Christmas music on and  do my thing with the help of my oldest daughter.
I get the excuse from hubby “ it’s just not  how we do it here” Ok where I live now  I feel a big push against any form of  holiday and especially  Christmas and those saying it’s commercialized just to make money. For me it’s not about the gifts it never really was except when I was a child. It’s about doing things as a family decorating and laughing. Having a feasts that you normally wouldn’t have but for the holiday. Having a family to share this exciting time with. Most celebrate the birth of Jesus, even though he wasn’t born until June or July < if I’m not mistaken>. But hey it’s all good. To me it’s also about celebrating Life of both living & dead. Appreciating all those that you love and love you. It’s about living another year and having a roof over your head and a bed to sleep in.
Now I want to tackle the “money” commercialization of Christmas. I think we all have our vises and we each enjoy buying things that make us happy. Well mine is Christmas I love the lights and the songs. OK so call me the crazy Christmas lady. But please don’t rain on my parade enjoy your family wear those ugly sweaters put up with obnoxious uncle Al or Sally, eat more than you should and live life like Jesus would want or whatever god or goddess to praise. Make Dec. 25th a Day to be thankful and count your blessings because it could be your last one to enjoy.

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